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Harald Manessinger

Harald Manessinger

Nació en Klagenfurt/Carinthia

certified public accountant (Austria)
tax advisor


+43 (1) 53105-1720

LBG Wirtschaftsprüfung
& Steuerberatung GmbH

1030 Vienna,
Boerhaavegasse 6

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Responsibilities & Functions

  • Partner & Managing Director of LBG Wirtschaftsprüfung & Steuerberatung GmbH
  • Head of the Center of Competence "Tax & Accounting Law" at LBG Austria

Professional Activities

  • tax, accounting, business consulting
  • author and lecturer in the field of tax law, accounting and business administration

Professional Relevant Functions

  • Member of the Expert Committee for "Tax Law" of the Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors
  • Member of the tax committee of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture
  • Member of the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors
  • Member of the Austrian Institute of Chartered Accountants
  • Member of the board of the Austrian Society of Accountants (ÖGWT)

Languages: German, English


  • Study of Commercial Science at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
  • Stay abroad at the University of Minnessota (USA)

Professional Qualifications

  • Certified Public Accountant (Austria)
  • Tax Advisor

Professional Experience

  • Since 2004 at LBG Austria in tax and business consulting
  • 8 years experience in an international auditing and tax consulting firm (Deloitte) in Vienna
  • Internships: banking, public sector