LBG Upper Austria

LBG is a major tax consulting company in Upper Austria with a manifold clientele of family businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises and groups, private and public institutions and internationally operating companies.

LBG Oberösterreich
Steuerberatung GmbH


Hasnerstraße 2
4021 Linz

+43 (732) 655172

LBG Oberösterreich
Steuerberatung GmbH


Bahnhofstraße 39b
4910 Ried

+43 (7752) 85441

LBG Oberösterreich
Steuerberatung GmbH


Tomitzstraße 1a
4400 Steyr

+43 (7252) 53556

LBG Oberösterreich
Steuerberatung GmbH


Am Neubau 1
4840 Vöcklabruck

+43 (7672) 75555

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Managing Directors
Authorized Signatories

Please select and contact your personal advisor at LBG or send us an Email to – we will be happy to introduce you to one of our consultants who is thoroughly familiar with your special request. 

At LBG you will find your trusted tax advisor and your personal contact for payroll and accounting. They are together responsible for your individual advice with the background of LBG Austria, one of the leading tax consulting and audit companies in Austria. We are pleased to meet you!