Legal notice

LBG Österreich GmbH
Wirtschaftsprüfung & Steuerberatung

Boerhaavegasse 6
1030 Vienna

+43 (1) 53105

Chief Executive Officer
Mag. Heinz Harb, tax advisor, certified public accountant, business consultant
Mag. Erhard Lausegger, tax advisor, certified public accountant, business consultant

Ownership structure
Beta Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna (55 %)
Epsilon Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Vienna (45 %)

Based in

Commercial register number 
FN 75837a 

Commercial register court
Commercial court Vienna


VAT identification number
ATU 16058003

Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Place of business in Vienna, Austria
Member of Chamber of Auditors

Camera dei Consulenti Tributari e dei Revisori dei Conti

Am Belvedere 10/Top 4
1100 Wien

Telefono +43 (1) 811 73-0
Fax +43 (1) 811 73-100

Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftstreuhänderberufe - deutsch Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftstreuhänderberufe - englisch

Progettazione e realizzazione del sito web

Atikon EDV & Marketing GmbH

Atikon EDV & Marketing GmbH
Kornstraße 15
4060 Leonding

Telefono +43 (732) 611 266
Fax +43 (732) 611 266-20

Used pictures

  • iStock, Shutterstock, Fotolia
  • shutterstock_50624872_Beratung5
  • Getreidegasse, _big_mouth_,
  • iStock_11067836_LKW
  • Fotolia_4564714_Weinrebe
  • iStock_11979383_Beratung2
  • shutterstock_55333354_Beratung4
  • iStock_2116286_Beratung3
  • iStock_10776078_Telefon
  • iStock_000008353249
  • shutterstock_55046983_Beratung6
  • iStock_9352033_RechnDiagr_Bleist
  • iStock_7296934_IT1
  • Fotolia_15872872_M

Used symbols

  • IcoMoon - Free, Keyamoon,
  • Entypo, Daniel Bruce,

Caratteri Utilizzati

Basic orientation of the website

The website contains non-political news with regard to fiscal, social and economic law and primarily addresses the clients of our company.

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The intention of the author of this website author is to provide information completely and correctly to the best of the author's knowledge and belief, and to keep this information updated. Nevertheless, the author accepts no liability whatsoever for any damage that may result from the use of the information provided – even if the damage results from the use of possibly incomplete or erroneous information.

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Information content

The information on this website is subject to change, removal or amendment without prior notice. The author can therefore not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, quality or up-to-dateness of the information provided. 

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By using this website, the user is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use set forth hereunder. These terms and conditions are part of the online presentation. If parts or individual formulations of the Terms and Conditions of Use do not comply, no longer comply or do not completely comply with current law, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the Terms and Conditions of Use shall remain unaffected.