Company formation
The foundation of a company needs a solid business plan, market orientation, product or service knowledge and a lot of business knowledge. Moreover, there are diverse administrative procedures, tax and social security documentation and reporting obligations, financing decisions and the establishment of a functional commercial organization. We can advice you in forming your company and take over administrative procedures for you.
Corporate succession
The timely preparation and successful handover of a company is a great challenge even for experienced entrepreneurs. The same naturally applies to the company successor. Multi-faceted business and legal questions have to be clarified. Tax optimization, pension questions, any existing or impending liability, the financing and severance payment of siblings and related valuation questions must be solved, as well as tax and social security law issues and the appropriate legal form for the transfer of a company.
Acquisition and sale of a company, transfer of shares
In the course of the transfer of a company, regardless of whether as an "asset deal" (transfer of assets and any debts) or as a "share deal" (transfer of shares in a company), there are also numerous business, tax and corporate issues to solve. The company must be assessed and the ideal time for a company transfer has to be determined. Often it gets stuck when deciding on the appropriate legal form for carrying out the corporate transaction. No wonder, since the optimal strategy for buyers or sellers is often miles apart. It is important to be technically creative, to show alternative solutions and to evaluate them from the respective point of view of buyers and sellers and to show the different effects in the negotiation process - often they are decisive for the ultimately agreed purchase price.
We advise you on business and tax structuring, support you with questions of financing, the optimal choice of legal form, a possibly appropriate reorganization, work out planning calculations with you and take over the careful company valuation and accompany you on request with the conduct of the negotiations.
Contact: More than 500 experienced employees are at your disposal at 32 LBG locations throughout Austria. Please contact us via e-mail . We are happy to provide you with the best LBG consultants for your needs.