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Tax-News | Business-News

Employment bonus for new jobs – application as of July 1st 2017

LBG-Summary: Starting on July 1st 2017, companies are entitled to apply for a refund of 50% of non-wage labor costs (e.g. employer social security contribution) for each newly created job over a period of up to three years. The funding is accessible to companies regardless of their size or the business sector in which they operate provided that their headquarters or permanent establishment is located in Austria. The public financing bank Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) is responsible for handling the application and granting of funding.

Contact & Advise: Our experts in the consulting field “payroll accounting, income tax, social security, labour law” will be pleased to advise you in your individual situation. Please contact our consultants either directly at LBG at our 30 locations in Austria (www.lbg.at) or email us welcome@lbg.at – we will connect you with the right expert at LBG who is very familiar with your concerns.