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BREXIT - Austrian limited liability company as an alternative to the British Limited (Ltd)

LBG Austria - Summary: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is expected to leave the European Union on March 29th 2019. In recent years, many limited companies have been incorporated under English law and registered in the English commercial register, which have been operating in Austria from the very beginning and are also headquartered here. This was often due to the admissibility of a foundation without minimum capital and the unbureaucratic construction. In the context of the announced Brexit, panic is inappropriate because the Austrian legislator is preparing a limited grace period until the end of 2020. Nevertheless, it makes sense to think about legal form alternatives, for example, an Austrian (start-up-privileged) limited liability company and thus avoid imponderables. But also for all companies in Great Britain, which aim a company seat in the European Union in the future, a limited liability company with seat in Austria is a good option.

Contact & Advice: This information naturally shows basic aspects of the topic - for completeness and correctness no guarantee can be given despite careful preparation. LBG will gladly advise you in your individual situation. Please contact one of our 31 Austria-wide locations (www.lbg.at) or welcome@lbg.at - we will gladly bring you together with one of our experts, who is very familiar with your request.